Launching Google Chrome as an app on Windows & MacOS

Written by James McDonald

July 30, 2022

Making a timer with javascript and want run it with no menus in chrome and a specific canvas / viewport size. But was always opening large.

The secret to it not being the same size as an already running window is making –user-data-dir a new random location


 & 'C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' --window-size="600,150" --app="c:\dev\timer\timer.html" --chrome-frame --user-data-dir="$($env:Temp)\$(Get-Random)" --window-position=0,600


"/Applications/Google Chrome" \
--window-size="600,150" \
--app="file:///Users/ja/Desktop/timer/timer.html" \
--chrome-frame --user-data-dir=/tmp/$$ \
--window-position=0,800 \
--no-default-browser-check \

What it looks like on my Windows 11 box

Run it twice using the random –user-data-dir and you can specify multiple instances and multiple placement or window-sizes


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