N-Central Automation Manager will not launch when clicking AMP Edit button in Browser

Written by James McDonald

January 19, 2022

Problem: When clicking EDIT button to edit an AMP Under Configuration => Scheduled Tasks => Script/Software Repository Automation Manager doesn’t launch. Every time you click the edit button it prompts to re-install Automation Manager and even when you do it won’t launch AM.

N-Able released a buggy version of Automation Manager (

Because there is no uninstall program for it. I had to manually uninstall by deleting the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\N-able Technologies\AutomationManager\

N-Able then released a lower version of AM ( on their next N-Central release and the install program doesn’t update the shell open and other registry entries


Delete the HKLM\SOFTWARE\N-able Technologies\Automation Manager\ key and subkeys.

Find and update .amp and amp_auto_file shell open strings to go back to the older version ( you may need to search for all entries in the registry and tweak them)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\N-able Technologies\\AutomationManager\\\\AutomationManager.exe\" \"%1\""


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