Elegant Themes Visual Builder No Worky on NGINX Server

Symptoms:  You are running php-fpm…


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You are running php-fpm and nginx You can enter the visual builder from the home page https://jamesmcdonald.id.au/?et_fb=1 but not from a another url such as https://jamesmcdonald.id.au/contact?et_fb=1


The Divi Visual Builder uses ?et_b=1 query string to activate itself. You need to get nginx to pass that value to index.php


Just enter $is_args$query_string at the back of index.php

location  / {

            try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$query_string;



  1. Michael

    i've searched for a solution for a long and this finally worked out.
    Thank you very much!!!

  2. Martin

    Made my day. Thanks alot for sharing!

    • James

      nginx is great because it is generally simpler and less resource intensive than Apache but if you don't get the configuration right it can be annoying. Glad I can help

  3. Drew

    “At the back of index page” what does that mean?

    • James McDonald

      It would be more correct to say "immediately after the index.php with no spaces"

      The code block shows what is meant:



    Where can find that file with that sentences?

    • James McDonald

      Hi Victor,

      This will be in an nginx configuration file. Generally they are located on the web server under /etc/nginx

      Look for files that have a .conf extension

      On Redhat based systems (CentOS, Amazon Linux) the folder to look in is /etc/nginx/conf.d/. Debian based systems (Ubuntu, Mint) may have a conf-enabled directory but my memory may be in error on this.

      You will be looking for a file with contents similar to:

      server {
            server_name yourdomainname.com;
            location  / {
                  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$query_string;

  5. Dave Stahr

    Thank you! I've had websites broken since switching to Nginx and was not wanting to move them all back to Apache. Even broken, the Nginx server was outperforming the Apache server. This worked perfectly for me.


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