This is on a Ubuntu Linux Host Running 22.04 and VMWare Workstation Pro 16.2.4
Prior to starting the VM guest remotely enable VNC make each vm listen on a different port (i.e. 5900, 5901 etc)
VPN or get access to the remote VMWare Host and SSH to it and then run cli command to start vms. Note the nogui
1 | vmrun -T ws start /home/ja/vmware/Windows10ToggenNew/Windows10ToggenNew .vmx nogui |
There is an Authorization required error but this doesn't seem to cause an issue

Use MacOS Finder => Go => Connect to server and then enter vnc://[ip_of_vmware_ws_pro_host]:5900 (e.g. vnc:// to connect to the vm or use RealVNC for windows