The Things I Like About a Regular Open Source Release Cadence

Written by James McDonald

February 26, 2013

The things I like about using a regularly released Opensource Operating System

  1. Every 6 months I am forced to backup and cleanup my computer to install the newest version
  2. When you first install it there are bugs which are fixed with each update. So your user experience decreases in frustration.
  3. You learn about what’s under the hood of your computer when a driver has a bug
  4. You are an early adopter – this makes one feel special
  5. The latest kernel and packages brings new ‘oh wow’ functionality
  6. It get’s better and better.
  7. You can cycle between KDE, GNOME and XFCE which makes for interesting evening
  8. Wine get’s better and better
  9. Network Manager finally becomes useable
  10. You get to fix errors you made when you installed 6 months ago
  11. You don’t pay Microsoft for the OS, Office or Server Functionality.
  12. You can blog about your experiences.


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