Transferred from Rackspace to DigitalOcean

Written by James McDonald

May 19, 2014

Just transferred this site to a Digital Ocean “droplet” which is what DO calls a VPS.

The instance is being hosted in Singapore.

Things I like at the moment:

  • Fast provisioning
  • ping times to the DO Singapore datacenter are quicker than to Rackspaces ORD data center (hence response from Australia will probably be better)
  • Easy to use control console the DNS Manager is well good
  • Price for 2GB ram with 2cpus is less that the 1GB 1cpu Rackspace offering

Things that I don’t like as much.

  • The overall polish of the service doesn’t seem as solid as Rackspace’s offering, but time will tell.
  • No mailgun service





  1. Google Algorithm Change Traffic Increase | The Telarah Technology Times - […] Around the same time I moved my website from Rackspace to DigitalOcean […]

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