Zebra Printer Language
The above website has a page where you can enter ZPL and it will render a sample. Very handy for development
Sato Barcode Printer Language
QZ Tray is a really cool web service you install on Windows, Linux and MacOS and it has some SBPL, ZPL and other samples on my MacOS in the demo/assets folder there is a sbpl_sample.txt file
/Applications/QZ Tray.app/Contents/Resources/demo/assets/sbpl_sample.txt
Using the Sato Programming Manual you can begin to make sense of the commands

This Youtube Channel has some interesting methods of arriving at SBPL using NiceLabels https://www.youtube.com/c/Barcodester
Once you have SBPL it looks like you can use the SATO All-In-One Software to do a preview.