If you start with creating an Azure Function App in Azure and then want to switch to local development here are the steps to download and import the function app into VSCode This does not cover installing the Azure Function Core extensions but that is covered here...
Unable to upload Management Certificate to Azure Portal
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-services/cloud-services-certs-create https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-api-management-certs Attempting to upload a self-signed management certificate to the Azure Portal via the Subscriptions => Management...
Azure Solutions Architect Expert
So I achieved this certification on Sept 29 2019 My last Microsoft Certification was Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer in March 2002. So a while in between drinks
Picking the right Azure Solution
Good video on how to choose services. Nice how he delimits the OLTP and OLAP offerings. https://youtu.be/ZpK_lv6HJkQ
In short RA-GRS is available to you without M$'s help. GRS needs a failover triggered by M$ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-redundancy-grs GRS replicates your data to another data center in a secondary region, but that data is available...
Remove all your resource groups and hence their contents in Azure
You can do this two ways either with one line of power shell code or more safely by wrapping it in a script that first checks which subscription you are logged into and then ask you nicely if you really want to delete all the resource groups in your Subscription. How...
Evidence that Managed Disks support LRS but not ZRS and GRS Replication
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/managed-disks-overview#highly-durable-and-available Highly durable and available Managed disks are designed for 99.999% availability. Managed disks achieve this by providing you with three replicas of...
Azure VM Types Pneumonic
Whatever helps the memory Nice overview of VM Types or Series https://azure.microsoft.com/en-au/pricing/details/virtual-machines/series/ TypePneumonicDescriptionA - BasicAsDev / Test usageA - StandardAdamGeneral PurposeB - BurstablebecameRun on CPU credits and can...
Setting AZCOPY_CONCURRENCY_VALUE on Storage Explorer MacOS Client
The problem this is solving is failed azcopy uploads on slow internet connections. Firstly locate the AzCopyClient.js file and open it in editor vim "/Applications/Microsoft Azure Storage...
Azure AZ-300 Passed
MacOS Azure Storage Explorer using azcopy indicates 100% then continues trying failed PUT’s and never completes the copy
Slow Australian NBN can't handle the expectation azcopy has about your bandwidth I have been trying to copy a 1.7GB file to Azure blob storage container and it's been failing. I've changed from Azure account login to a SAS URL and have started to investigate what is...