Ubuntu 9.04 sudo apt-get build-dep gnucash sudo apt-get install libwebkit-dev sudo apt-get install libdbi0-dev sudo apt-get install intltool sudo apt-get install libdbd-pgsql sudo apt-get install libdbd-sqlite3 sudo apt-get install libdbd-mysql wget...
Ubuntu build depency installation command
If you download and install programs from source on Ubuntu / Debian you may have been through the process of running ./configure, then noting what it complains is missing, then apt-get install missing <package name>, then repeat till you have everything you...
GNUCash Heading Banner Graphic Setup
I have been playing with the correct graphic resolutions to get my GNUCash Fancy Invoice header to print correctly. I think I have stumbled on the correct settings. This is for a PNG format Heading Banner file. Using gimp I did the following: Explanation: Using the...