James McDonald

Viewing Azure WebApp Failed Request Traces

If you enable logging and FTP access to your Web App you get access to a directory tree with different formats of logs. I couldn't view the Failed Request Traces because browsers are highly suspicious of XSL files because they can contain malicious processing...


https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/disks/list#diskstorageaccounttypes If you specify a Disk Type or Sku of Standard_LRS you get a Standard HDD

ListAccountSAS Error in Azure Activity Log

So getting an error after doing a heap of study with an Azure Free Trial Account and deleting all my resource groups every night But an error kept appearing every minute in the Activity Log You can see the JSON of the error below. (And if you are worried about...

Check for valid SSL Cert on an SSL/TLS Email Server

Method 1 - openssl #!/bin/bash SERVERNAME=mail.example.com printf 'quit\n' | openssl s_client -connect $SERVERNAME:25 -starttls smtp | openssl x509 -enddate -noout Method 2 - Google Chrome Run Google Chrome and bypass the ERR_UNSAFE_PORT error by specifying the...

Azure VPN Gateway P2S For Windows and Mac

In the Virtual Network Gateway configuration enable "IKEv2 and SSTP" as the Point-to-site configuration Tunnel Type To use EasyRSA certs on Windows. Assuming you have already initialized your EasyRSA ca.crt then you need to create a client cert ./easy-rsa...

Mobile area code – sort of

Just had to enter my mobile number into a Microsoft Certification Website that has an old style phone entry field with a "required" area code. So it prompted the question. Do mobile phones have an area code if so what is it? Sort of...

EasyRSA for IKEv2 VPN on Azure

Just getting my mac to connect to an Azure IKEv2 VPN P2S connection using certs generated by EasyRSA Assuming you have already init'd and created your ca.crt using EasyRSA. See my previous post regarding this. Format the ca.crt to copy into the the Root Certificate...

Azure VM rename

So you can't rename an Azure VM as this is immutable but you can delete the VM (leaving the disks, network etc) and then navigate to the disk and choose the Create VM option and specify the new name. Here you can see a vm-vneta is a normal vm. vm-vnetb was originally...

az role assignment error when using –assignee

So I created a Security group in Azure Active Directory named "Development" and then tried to assign it to the "Website Contributor" role with less than stellar results But going to Azure AD and getting the object ID for the "Development" group and changing fro...