James McDonald

MAC Address Changer for MacOS

If you have the need to change your MAC Address on you MacBook Pro. You can use macchanger which is a command line utility installed using home brew. brew install macchanger Then to show your current MAC address macchanger -s en0 Then to change it to something random...

SIM Corner FTW

Before we travelled this time around I bought a UK SIM with 12GB of data from https://www.simcorner.com/ which I used in Greece including the Ionian Islands, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and the UK It worked well and having data made travel so much...

AZ-300 ACloudGuru Notes

Function App Settings Default URL Format https://toggen-fa.azurewebsites.net/api/HttpTrigger1?code=<FUNCTION_KEY> Default URL for HTTP Triggered function app has /api/HttpTrigger1 which is configured by two settings /api/HttpTrigger1 {routePrefix}{Route Template}...

CakePHP 2 Displaying Validation Errors

# app/Controller/ShipmentsController.php public function toggleShipped($id = null) { if (!$this->Shipment->exists($id)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid shipment')); } if ($this->request->is(['post', 'put'])) { $shipment = $this->Shipment->find( 'first', [...

Toggen is IPv6 Live

So I haven't done much with IPv6 to date but have just discovered that my new NBN connection has IPv6 enabled... So I have configured my Amazon VPC with a IPv6 address range and added or associated a IPv6 address to this websites EC2 eth0 interface Also needed was...

OPTIONS pre-flight Check CakePHP 2

Before fetch sends a POST request to another domain it will do a CORS pre-flight check. The following website has the HTTP OPTIONS middleware code you can use for CakePHP 3. It mentions for a CakePHP 2 version you need to go to another website which is unavailable now...

Nginx Certificate Installation from PFX File

https://gist.github.com/junxy/2464633f27345fbe6a98 # if your pfx file is yourdomain.com.pfx # split the name up so you can have a descriptive # cert and key name OUT=yourdomain.com PFX=.pfx # create pem fromat certs from pfx fiiles # and a decrypted key openssl pkcs12...

vncserver on Ubuntu 16.04

This link has the instructions to install VNC on Ubuntu 16.04 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-16-04 Following are the fixes for things that didn't work for me Missing Icons in XFCE #follow the tutorial but...