
Selected posts

Giving CentOS 5.2 a Whirl on the Desktop

OK so I've been using Ubuntu for about three releases but recently the quality of the Ubuntu builds has become an excercise in running into bugs that stop me getting my work done. e.g. tsclient renders X session unuseable when rdp'd into windows NetworkManager OpenVPN...

Fedora 10 – Network Interface not coming up

I have a Fedora 10 VM that wasn't bringing it's network interface eth0 up on boot. Even though the settings in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 were correct. The problem: the network service wasn't enabled The fix: run ntsysv or setup ==> services from the...

Clear Squid Cache CentOS 5.x

How: service squid stop rm -rf /var/spool/squid/* (removes cached files and directory structure) rm -rf /var/log/squid/* (removes the logs) squid -z (recreates the cache_dir structure) service squid start Why: Doing the above can be helpful if you want to claw back...

Running Cron Every X Minutes

I keep forgetting the correct format of cron entries to have a command run every three minutes To do it every three minutes you need to make the syntax */3 not simply 3 (which means on the 3rd minute of every hour) # m h dom mon dow command */3 * * * *...

Fedora 10 – VMWare

Just attempted to install Fedora 10 under VMWare Server 1.0.4 on Windows. I chose the default "Other Linux 2.6.x" VM option, leaving the defaults except for configuring the VM's CD to be an iso image of the Fedora Live CD. Man was it slow... I traced the problem to...

Tesseract gotcha – tif works, tiff doesn’t

Problem tesseract mytiff.tiff myout Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine name_to_image_type:Error:Unrecognized image type:mytiff.tiff IMAGE::read_header:Error:Can't read this image type:mytiff.tiff tesseract:Error:Read of file failed:mytiff.tiff Signal_exit 31 ABORT....

Distribution Specific Documentation

Google - to find the best and worst solution, but which is which? Generally when you attempt something on Linux you will Google and then try and filter through pages till you find the `best' solution. But what gaurantee do you have that the information is written by...