So I just put up another website for a client. I originally did a website for them around ~2013 Check out Brays Roofing A Tile Roof Specialist who does Roof Restorations and Repairs
IT Tips
Check if VARIABLES are set with Bash
I have a script that needs to check if it is called with an environment that contains two variables OPERATOR_ADDRESSDELEGATOR_ADDRESS if it does not find them it will call a script ./ to set them and continue. How do you (properly) check for a...
Clear the DNS Cache in Firefox
If you have edited your C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file to add a custom DNS entry and run ipconfig /flushdns and Firefox is still returning the old address enter the following in the browser location bar and then click the Clear DNS Cache button...
Timezone aware cron on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Problem: System is running in UTC time zone and I would like to set user cron entries in local time (Australia/Melbourne). It is annoying modifying your cron jobs every 6 months due to daylight savings changes. Resolution: Install fcron and get time zone aware...
Converting a Validator Operator Address to a Delegator Address
Many of the slcli commands use either the OPERATOR_ADDRESS (starts with shareledgervaloper) or the DELEGATOR_ADDRESS (starts with shareledger) as arguments. For some reason I couldn't find a command to output the DELEGATOR_ADDRESS (Self-Delegate Address) using the...
Ubuntu crontab does NOT support per-user Time Zones using CRON_TZ
Yeah, Nah! man 5 crontab
Enlarging a Windows 10 installation on an SSD which has a Linux Partition before it on the Drive
Can you delete a Linux partition, shift the Windows partition after it back toward the beginning of the disk and then grow the windows partition to get more space? Yes! Warning: I had to recover my system because I accidentally cancelled a GParted partition move...
N-Central Poor Mans Report Manager
The problem with N-Central Report Manager is that it is only supported using a rather old version of SQL (Something like 2016). If you use the MAPS (Microsoft Action Pack Subscription) you only get licenses for the latest versions (SQL Server 2019) Inspired by a...
Wake On LAN Across the Internet with Unifi Kit
Configuring a remote Unifi USG Firewall to broadcast WOL Packets from a remote site to wake a computer +-----------------+ +-------------------------+ | Site A | | Site B | | | | LAN: | | [Linux or WSL |-----It's The Internet Jen-----[Remote USG] | | |...
Undeprecate my Powershell
So I was attempting to create a Powershell script that would Create an Azure AD Application and do the Application Admin consent aswell The script I had as a sample used AzureRM to get a refresh token and then get an access token to then do the POST to the...
Sending Email from Node using the Microsoft Graph API
First you need to create an Azure AD Application that has Application access to the Mail.Send role of the Microsoft Graph API. You can do this manually or programmatically using Powershell as per my previous...
Creating an Azure AD Application and Granting Application Admin Consent with Powershell Standing on the shoulders of giants here is a script that creates an Azure AD Application grants it...
Getting a List of Files from a Sharepoint Shared Link
So recently I had a customer ask if they can be notified when the files change in a Microsoft Teams Sharepoint URL which was shared with Contribute permissions with sign-in NOT required. The link provided did not allow the person to choose "Sync" and then mirror the...
How to manually execute a TimerTriggered Azure Function App Function in VSCode
Start the local project (Press F5 to run it)Navigate to the Azure context in VSCode (that's the A in the left hand side bar)Expand Local Project and Functions Right click the function you want and choose Execute Function Now...
Industrial Fanless Mini PC’s
Just putting this here for future reference.
Chocolatey – Windows Package Manager FTW
Install chocolatey from an elevated Powershell command prompt following the instructions at From then on you can install many of your favourite packages with eaze. choco install nodejs --version=14.15.0 # pin the version so you don't...
N-Central Automation Manager will not launch when clicking AMP Edit button in Browser
Problem: When clicking EDIT button to edit an AMP Under Configuration => Scheduled Tasks => Script/Software Repository Automation Manager doesn't launch. Every time you click the edit button it prompts to re-install Automation Manager and even when you do it won't...
Setting Client Side Routes on MacOS to L2TP Unifi Remote User VPN
If you are connecting to a Unifi L2TP Server type Remote User VPN and you haven't selected the "Send all traffic over VPN connection" option under advanced settings on the Mac. You will need to set routes so you can access a LAN or LANs behind your UDM If you are...