Written by James McDonald

June 14, 2023

Haven’t confirmed this to work yet but leaving here so I have a reference for later

In the Cisco enable prompt

Router# tclsh
proc WakeOnLan {broadcastAddr macAddr} {
     set net [binary format H* [join [split $macAddr -:] ""]]
     set pkt [binary format c* {0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff}]

     for {set i 0} {$i < 16} {incr i} {
        append pkt $net

     # Open UDP and Send the Magic Paket.
     set udpSock [udp_open]
     fconfigure $udpSock -translation binary \
          -remote [list $broadcastAddr 4580] \
          -broadcast 1
     puts $udpSock $pkt
     flush $udpSock;
     close $udpSock
WakeOnLan 98Fa9b55c5e0
proc WakeOnLan {broadcastAddr macAddr} {
     set net [binary format H* [join [split $macAddr -:] ""]]
     set pkt [binary format c* {0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff}]

     for {set i 0} {$i < 16} {incr i} {
        append pkt $net

     # Open UDP and Send the Magic Paket.
     set udpSock [udp_open]
     fconfigure $udpSock -translation binary \
          -remote [list $broadcastAddr 4580]
     puts $udpSock $pkt
     flush $udpSock;
     close $udpSock

WakeOnLan 98Fa9b55c5e0


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