GMail Annoyances – BCC header not kept in Sent Mail.

Written by James McDonald

April 21, 2011

Just found an annoying feature of using GMail via IMAP. (Not sure if it’s a problem via the web interface)

Say you send an email with someone in the To: field and many people in the BCC: field
To: ToRecipient1
BCC: recipient1, recipient2, recip3, etc

When you send the email and look in “Sent Mail” at the sent message the only recipient it records in your sent items is the “To” recipients.

Not really good if you want to keep a record of whom you sent it to. I wonder how many corporates have been caught out with this since switching to GMail?

So congratulations GMail on your ability to lose traceability of who you sent the mail to just because I wanted to protect their privacy using BCC.

Sigh computers. Doing exactly what they have been programmed to do since 1941.


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