Information on Converting ext4 to btrfs on Fedora 20

Written by James McDonald

January 24, 2014

When you run the dracut step to recreate the initramfs image you can check for the correct module using:

[root@pc01 boot]# cd /boot
[root@pc01 boot]# zcat initramfs-`uname -r`.img | cpio -it| grep -i btrfs
54300 blocks

Still not sure about whether you can convert /boot ext4 to btrfs… decided against it after looking here

Seems to have gone succesfully. My 1.9TB /home volume which is 277GB used took about an hour to convert.

I only converted /dev/mapper/fedora_localhost-root and /dev/mapper/fedora_localhost-home  As per instructions on the 1st blog post listed above.

I used the Fedora-Live-Desktop-x86_64-20-1.iso and burn’t it to a DVD using Brasero to boot and run the btrfs-convert process.

On first login the Dropbox client prompted me to rerun setup, which I did accepting the defaults and now it appears to be re-syncing. I’m fairly sure it’s not redownloading but just checksumming what was already there.

Being a newb on btrfs I found this useful



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