When you run the dracut step to recreate the initramfs image you can check for the correct module using:
[root@pc01 boot]# cd /boot [root@pc01 boot]# zcat initramfs-`uname -r`.img | cpio -it| grep -i btrfs usr/sbin/btrfsck usr/sbin/btrfs usr/sbin/btrfs-zero-log usr/lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs.rules usr/lib/modules/3.12.8-300.fc20.x86_64/kernel/fs/btrfs usr/lib/modules/3.12.8-300.fc20.x86_64/kernel/fs/btrfs/btrfs.ko 54300 blocks
Still not sure about whether you can convert /boot ext4 to btrfs… decided against it after looking here
Seems to have gone succesfully. My 1.9TB /home volume which is 277GB used took about an hour to convert.
I only converted /dev/mapper/fedora_localhost-root
and /dev/mapper/fedora_localhost-home
As per instructions on the 1st blog post listed above.
I used the Fedora-Live-Desktop-x86_64-20-1.iso
and burn’t it to a DVD using Brasero to boot and run the btrfs-convert process.
On first login the Dropbox client prompted me to rerun setup, which I did accepting the defaults and now it appears to be re-syncing. I’m fairly sure it’s not redownloading but just checksumming what was already there.
Being a newb on btrfs I found this useful