Sydney Airport… Waiting

by | May 11, 2011 | European Vacation Adventure, Wordpress | 0 comments

Mum took us to the airport. I've made the classic mistake of getting here way too early.

Good news is there is wifi. I'm looking across at a youngish woman using an Apple (macbook I think). It's got this massive glowing apple on the back of the monitor. Brand is everything for Apple.

Still getting used to all the rigmarole of travel. It's been over ten years since I last went OS.

Had my first phone call from work. Not a biggy just forgot to write down a VNC password for my holiday replacement. After 7 years of being _the_ IT resource and supporting the network on my own it's been quite a process to hand over to someone else. I didn't realize there was so much involved in prepping a new person. You forget what you know until you have to pass it on I suppose.

It's about lunch time and the food courts are filling. Lot's of airport workers getting lunch. I wish I got their discount on food. Sadly us Tourists _pay_.

Anyway got to conserve battery... Goodbye WordPress blog engine we shall meet again soon.


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