Anyway for a while when I searched for James McDonald in Google I would get on the 1st page of results.
Today I have done a search on "James McDonald" and It's like page 9. I wondered why, and what was happening. Now here is the interesting thing. I'm on Windows XP Service Pack 2 at the moment running Internet Explorer 7 and using IE it returned the page 9 result. This was by typing it into the search window in the top right hand side of I.E.
Now for a comparison I installed Firefox 3.0.1 and did a search and "what the?" It's back on page 1.
So are the results different when doing a search with IE7 and Firefox ?
The answer:
The IE7 search feature queries giving a range of results from the US search theatre. However if you type in into either FF or IE browsers location / address bar you get redirected to and hence from there you get a more regional results.
So 2 things have become clear:
- "James McDonald" and thus returns high on Australian only searches.
- Search Engine Optimization would have to take into account which facet of the Google Jewel you are looking at so to speak. A view from one countries (Australia's) Google portal would return differing results from that of another (US).
This is something to think about if you are trying for a regional only or regional / global presence.