ZTE MF332 Access Denied During Driver Install

Written by James McDonald

February 1, 2010

After installing the Telstra Turbo Card Manager and plugging in the MF332. It should just plug and play install and you are away.

However today I found that most of the components are successfully identified and installed but the “ZTE Diagnostics Interface” is identified for a moment and it trys to install but then a dialog titled “Found New Hardware Wizard” comes up with this:

Cannot Install this Hardware

There was a problem installing this hardware:
          Data Interface

An error occurred during the installation of the device
Access is denied

In attempt to work around the “Access Denied” error I logged off my domain account and back on with the local Administrator account and still no joy.

This was on Windows XP Professional SP3 with all patches as at 1/2/2010.

The Fix:
Ran Sysinternals Filemon and Regmon

The results of Filemon showed no ACCESS DENIED’s on the filesystem

But while running Regmon it came up with an ACCESS DENIED by process rundll32.exe (the driver installation process) on HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000

Using regedit I changed the permissons from Admistrator only and added SYSTEM to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and it’s children

Then using Device Manager removed the not installed “Data Interface” and then “scanned for hardware changes” and the New Hardware Wizard completed successfully.

The older an installed OS get’s the more chance there is that an installation routine will do something odd to the permissions of the registry.

Tools like filemon and regmon let you see where the “Access Denied” errors are occurring in the file system or registry respectively and then perform remedial action and hopefully (it doesn’t always work) effect a repair.


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