James McDonald

Australian Mobile Validation CakePHP 3.x

This is a very simple mobile validation for Australian Mobiles. It probably would also benefit from having all the symbols except + stripped too // src/Model/Table/Users.php where Users is the class name // of the table field your are validating $australianMobile =...

Car Mounted Traffic Guidance Drone

An idea A car with a small compartment with an automatic door. The compartment contains a charging cradle and a small micro-drone with a hi res camera and a wi-fi connection back to the car The cars on-board computer releases the drone when the car driver, or the cars...

Apache Reverse Proxy with Websocket

This is the working configuration for an SSL Apache 2.4.6 Reverse Proxy back to an Apache-Coyote/1.1 server, including letsencrypt configuration to allow the automated renewal of certificates using a local webroot on the Reverse Proxy Server Apache Reverse Proxy SSL...

Embedding ReactJS in a CakePHP View

When people say they want to use  CakePHP with React typically the recommendation is to convert CakePHP into an API server and then add ReactJS as the front-end served on a different URL than CakePHP. But what about when you have a CakePHP application and you...

NextJS + Redux Testing

Been trying to implement some tests for NextJS Redux App. You can get most of the way there by following the very good information here =>  http://redux.js.org/recipes/writing-tests But if you drop .babelrc into your NextJS project as per above it stops the npm run...

Working around SVG Swallowing Click Events

I have used FortAwesome/react-fontawesome to put a trash icon on a nextjs react page. <a data-part_id={id} data-meeting_id={meetingId} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); console.log(event.target) window.confirm('Do you really want to...


I came across NextJS when looking at the excellent DevTips YouTube channel  video regarding Going from Sketch to React.js #2 Building an Online Business NextJS solves some of the problems that I found hampered me in using React: Server Side Rendering out of the box...

Brew Wine on MacOS Ugly Fonts

Wine 3.0.1 MacOS 10.13.5 If you have recently done a brew install wine and found that suddenly your fonts are ugly. A work-a-round is: to remove the current version of XQuartz (2.7.11) and downgrade to XQuartz-2.7.9.dmg install the wine stable version...

Class XMLReader does not exist

Just on the Joomla 3.8.8 "You have post-installation messages" page and when I click the "Read Messages" button I get taken to a page with an error message: At the moment I have plenty of XML modules installed but not the one I need: php -m |...

PHP7.2 Image Magick

On a brew installed php7.2 on my MacOS 10.13.5 I get an error when running /usr/local/php5/bin/php from the command line: Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/php5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20170718/imagick.so' (tried:...