James McDonald

Format Of and Verify an ABN – Ouh a secret puzzle

Just discovered it's not just Credit Cards and Barcodes that have validity check digits and algorithms FIrstly an ABN (Australian Business Number) is formatted XX XXX XXX XXX e.g 84 008 812 322 The ABR website has the information on how to calculate the validity of an...

Tips to using CakePHP 3.x as a ReactJS API backend

Information for React I found useful https://auth0.com/blog/secure-your-react-and-redux-app-with-jwt-authentication/ this had a sample project that showed how to setup redux and react and explains the redux ecosystem of store, actions, action creators, reducers etc....

CakePHP 3 Database Migrations

You have a database with a heap of tables already running. You want to start from that base and then be able to migrate from that running database through the addition of new fields and then migrate those changes to your production database Here is how I believe you...

Bali Nov-Dec 2017

Bali Nov-Dec 2017

This year we went to Bali. My observations: The Instagram brand building culture makes people pose for photos in increasingly awkward positions. It's entertaining to watch as beautiful people contort and genuflect to get the next morsel for their social media...

Tips on Testing SMTP on Port 25 and 465

When testing your login using AUTH PLAIN if your passwords starts with a number you need to use a \000 instead of \0 other wise you will always get an error as the base64 encoded string will be wrong printf 'username\0username\0001234567pwd' | mmencode perl...

Why Toggen?

Recently I rebadged my IT Business as Toggen after trading as "James McDonald IT Services" or JMITS for short. It took a long time to find a name that wasn't being used, and also had some resonance for me personally. So why Toggen? After wracking my brain for a couple...

Poor Mans Service Monitoring

This script is run from windows task scheduler every X minutes (whatever you want to set it to). It looks for a running process, in this case Yokogawa FastTools rdcy.exe and if found checks for and deletes a file on disk named "skip". If it doesn't find rdcy.exe...

MSP Sales Training

Just started looking at http://www.trumethods.com/ One thing I've noticed regarding the business of Information Technology is that you can be excellent technically but you will not have an opportunity to use the skills you have unless the organisation you work for can...

A trip back to whence I came

So just spending a couple of days in Kangaroo Valley and surrounds. I grew up just up the road in Fitzroy Falls. The entire area has great places to visit so I'm going to try and catch a few of the sites. Today it's off to Bowral to see how much my birth place has...

Migrating away from jamesmcdonald.id.au

I am moving my blog under my business domain toggen.com.au. For years I have blogged at jamesmcdonald.id.au but want to move everything under the one umbrella so to speak. I've had a couple of names for this blog The Telarah Times, The Shouthern IT Observer but now...

Backing Up EC2 Websites to an S3 Bucket

This script run from cron will keep 7 days of backups in S3 overwriting as needed. Your cron entry will look like 22 18 * * * /path/to/the/script/backup.sh #!/bin/bash cd `dirname $0` DIR_ROOT=/var/www WEB_DIRS=`ls -1 $DIR_ROOT` DAY=`date +%a`...