James McDonald

Notes from PHP 5.x to PHP 7.1 Upgrade

PHP Install on Mac I use CakePHP 2 and 3 so they need intl and mcrypt brew install php71 --with-httpd24 brew install php71-imagick brew install php71-intl brew install php71-mcrypt Also I found that calling a function as follows fails # this PHP 5.x code calls a...

Flight Delayed by 37 minutes. When is that?

Question: How do you calculate the time in the future when you know the time you start from but want to know the time in a few minutes but can't do math in your head? Answer: Use GNU Date # if you know the time you want to go from put that in gdate --date="16:47 37...

React-Bootstrap Oh Cool

The create-react-app npm module that lets you get started quickly with React is getting better and better. Here is a list of all sorts of things you can then add on top of the create-react-app to make it betterer...

MacOS doesn’t need Cups-PDF because of this

I recently tried to install Cups-PDF on macOS Sierra but it failed. However because macOS pretty much prints PDF native you just have to go fishing in /private/var/spool/cups and fish out the PDF data files and rename them and you have a copy of the file you want....


UI Lockups due to long running tasks Recently coded a CakePHP 3 application that would send about 30-60 emails when a user triggered the 'notify' action. When they did this it took probably 30 - 40 seconds for control to return to user. So I was looking at how to fix...