IT Tips

VSCode into Remote Docker Host Container XDebug

I have another post that is VSCode on Windows 10 SSH into remote host and working in the project source directory then Xdebug This post is different as it connecting to the Remote Docker Container and working inside the container. VSCode running on Windows 10 Remote...

VMWare Workstation Pro on Secure Boot Ubuntu

I enabled secure boot on my Ubuntu 20.04 workstation running VMWare Workstation Pro. Problem: Every time the kernel is upgraded VMWare cannot load its unsigned kernel modules Cause: Secure boot means that all kernel modules have to be marked as trusted by the secure...

Microsoft Action Pack Subscription

So last year I purchased a MAPS benefit and found that with only 2 users for my small MSP business it was a good deal at $440 per year If you purchase Microsoft 365 Business Standard on a monthly committment you pay $45.32 per month for 2 users but the MAPS benefit...

How to Auto-enroll in Intune MDM after Domain Join

I had a number of devices that the user didn't have Intune licensing when the Azure AD Domain join was performed. So the device appears in Azure AD as a device but the MDM column says none: The device enrollment happens if the licensing and configuration are correct...

Seeing if a Unifi UAP is sending ARP Requests

I'm not able to ping a wireless up-linked Unifi UAP-AC-HD device. It is marked as ISOLATED in the Unifi Controller. Strangely the Unifi Controller is reporting it was last seen 2 minutes ago but I think this is a furphy. If anyone knows if there is a back channel that...

Adding BCC to Divi Contact Form

The Divi contact form allows you to send to multiple email addresses by opening the properties of the form and entering multiple comma separated email addresses but they end up all in the To: field Adding BCC to Emails using a functions.php Snippet You need to edit...


This is a graphic I use to figure out which section to add the firewall rules to in the Unifi UDM/USG controller.