
Selected posts

Europe 2019

Before I forget July 14 - August 28 Rough Itinerary Fly Royal-Brunei to London Athens, Zakynthos, Kefalonia Greece Verona, Venice Italy Amsterdam, Utretcht Netherlands Antwerp Belgium Schaephuysen Germany Gambais France Eurostar France to train to London Royal-Brunei...

Bali Nov-Dec 2017

Bali Nov-Dec 2017

This year we went to Bali. My observations: The Instagram brand building culture makes people pose for photos in increasingly awkward positions. It's entertaining to watch as beautiful people contort and genuflect to get the next morsel for their social media...

A trip back to whence I came

So just spending a couple of days in Kangaroo Valley and surrounds. I grew up just up the road in Fitzroy Falls. The entire area has great places to visit so I'm going to try and catch a few of the sites. Today it's off to Bowral to see how much my birth place has...

Siem Reap

So just arrived in Siem Real after taking a 7 hour bus trip to cover 316kms. The roads between Phnom Penh and Siem Real were a mix of tar and dirt. I think in another few years the trip will take a lot less time once the roads are sealed. Our accommodation is lovely...

Cambodia – Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh wow. It's not as frenetic as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh. There aren't as many bikes and there is less warning honking going on. The ride from the airport cost 9$ for a tuk tuk or 12$ US for a cab. We took a cab and our friends took a tuk tuk and we both arrived...

Kuala Lumpur

So KLIA2 ( Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 ) is a fair ways (40 minutes is ) from the city of Kuala Lumpur. We got an unmarked Taxi from there to Furama hotel for 120 RM ( Malaysian Ringo ) the exchange rate is roughly 3 RM to 1 AUD. Furama is a great hotel with...


Breakfast in Phu Quoc Sometimes you can tell they arent using trained staff. But I love vietnamese coffee in both its black and white varieties and its hot and cold variants. And the little filters used to make it So this is our last day in Vietnam just a morning...

Phu Quoc Island

Sorry I havent blogged been busy swimming, snorkelling, sunbathing. Phu Quoc pronounced foo kwook is a holiday island with a dark past. It was the home of a prison created by the french in 1953 which was later used by the south vietnamese to incarcerate north...