Melbourne – 8th most liveable lockdown / power outage in the world

Written by James McDonald

June 12, 2021

So a few days ago we started having wild weather - high winds and rain.
That day (Wednesday) I lost my NBN connection.

On Thursday the winds picked up and the rain bucketed down and it snapped limbs and blew down trees throughout the region where we live.

It wasn’t just a small local problem as we lost power many hundreds of thousands of households lost power too.

Just outside our home a limb tore down a power line that fed the house across the road. People were driving over the downed line. That was fixed by very busy electricity workers in the middle of the night (thank you!) But still no power.

So today, as I continue to write this is Saturday. We haven’t had power since Thursday. is quoting 13/6/2021 at 1PM as the time when the power will be restored.

Fortunately we have a gas hot water system and cooking top so we can shower and prepare meals. Others have moved in with friends and relatives who have power.

To keep comms available we have been taking our power bricks to friends places and recharging them. At least the mobile network is still up.

It reminds me of growing up in the country and trees falling across the transmission lines and the power being out for multiple days. At least it is not so widespread that we can’t get staples.

The situation reinforces the wisdom of having a “go” bag and some emergency supplies stored.


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