Getting APC Cache and batcache working on my Server

Written by James McDonald

May 12, 2012

In WordPress Admin Area
Installed the “Batcache Manager” and “APC Object Cache” plugins using the Plugins ==> Add New option in the WordPress Admin Panel and didn’t activate

created phpinfo.php in the web root of my webserver and called it via a browser

Contents of phpinfo.php

# call phpinfo

and checked for apc support. and got nadda.

Installed the APC module using the pecl search apc and pecl install apc-X.X.X with instructions from

I chose the defaults while I was compiling.

add to the php.ini and restart the webserver

Check the output of phpinfo.php again and now had apc.

discovered you don’t “activate” the apc plugin but you have to copy the wp-content/plugins/apc/object-cache.php file to wp-content/ to get it working

copied wp-content/plugins/batcache/advanced-cache.php wp-content/ to activate batcache and checked to make sure define(‘WP_CACHE’, true); is in wp-config.php

To check to see if it’s working I copied lib/php/apc.php from my php install to a password protected folder for this site so I can see the cached objects. because I put it in the password proctected directory I disabled apc.php’s internal password mechanism by setting “defaults(‘USE_AUTHENTICATION’,0);”


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