
Using Curl & Powershell to POST Form Data to CakePHP

CakePHP 2 Form and trying to POST to it using curl This is what I am trying to duplicate with curl -----------------------------1993502965129257581246610166 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_method" POST -----------------------------1993502965129257581246610166...

CakePHP/Queue WorkerListener Example Class

This is an example of implementing a WorkerListener class for the new CakePHP/Queue plugin as mentioned here => Config array // ... 'Queue' => [ 'default' => [ // A DSN for your configured backend. default:...

Encrypt / Decrypt the columns of your CakePHP 4 DB The above is a good solution, but it needed updating to work with CakePHP 4 I have updated the above as below to encrypt a database field with a base64 encoded encrypted string The base64 encoding is so it can save in a...

CakePHP 4 has Deprecated File & Folder

So recently my code editor has been putting a line through File because it is going to removed in CakePHP 5 So here is an example of code that uses the deprecated methods and the suggested SplFileObject Using File public function createTempFile($print_content,...

Format validationsErrors

A recursive function that takes a validation error array and return a string with all the different errors concatenated into a formatted string Further to my previous posting This function will walk...

Embed Create React App SPA into CakePHP 3.8.x view

Some small changes from the old CRA version 2.x the asset-manifest.json now has an entrypoints key // view code src/Template/Assigned/schedule_edit.ctp <?php foreach ($css as $style) : ?> <?= $this->Html->css('/react' . $style, [ 'block' => true ]); ?> <?php...

CakePHP POST Failing

I was just trying to submit about 10 x 15 records... and found that cakephp was failing with a validation error. Found out it was due to the following in the php error log. [09-Jun-2016 19:16:22 Australia/Melbourne] PHP Warning:  Unknown: Input variables exceeded...

CakePHP 3 – Escape to the Global Namespace

This code in CakePHP 3: <?php $date = '31/01/1973'; $ymd = DateTime::createFromFormat('!d/m/Y', $date)->format('Y-m-d'); Causes this error Error: Class 'App\Controller\DateTime' not found This code fixes it: <?php $date = '31/01/1973'; $ymd =...