James McDonald


Question: What is the Hyper-V equivalent of VMWare Tools? Answer: Hyper-V Integration Services If you are running Hyper-V on Windows 10 and need the vmguest.iso to get Video and Mouse working on older Windows versions Further to this...

Speedtest from the CLI

Awaiting a speed increase on you Internet connection but it's not there yet? Want to know within an hour when the speed increase happens? Create a crontab entry crontab -e With this content MAILTO="" 0 * * * * /Users/username/sites/speedtest/speedtest.sh >>...

MYOB Essentials handling a credit card payment

The situation: Business Bank Account and Credit Card Account Bank feed from the Business Account and Credit Card Transactions imported using QIF Import $110.56 from the Business Acct goes to the Visa Account How do you link the transfer In Banking => Banking...

Bash alias to copy ssh public key

If you need to copy and paste your public key into dozens of different VM's in Azure or AWS this can be handy. It copies your public ssh key to the clip board and displays it on screen # put this into ~/.bash_profile alias getkey="cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | tee...


In short RA-GRS is available to you without M$'s help. GRS needs a failover triggered by M$ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-redundancy-grs GRS replicates your data to another data center in a secondary region, but that data is available...

NTTTCP Windows – Linux both directions

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/create-vm-accelerated-networking-powershell#supported-vm-instances SendReceiveWindowsLinuxntttcp -s -m 4,*, -nsntttcp -r -m 4,*, -NLinuxWindowsntttcp -s -m 4,*, -Nntttcp -r -m...

Europe 2019

Before I forget July 14 - August 28 Rough Itinerary Fly Royal-Brunei to London Athens, Zakynthos, Kefalonia Greece Verona, Venice Italy Amsterdam, Utretcht Netherlands Antwerp Belgium Schaephuysen Germany Gambais France Eurostar France to train to London Royal-Brunei...

NTttcp – Test Network Performance

When I was working at Rio Tinto in the New South Wales Hunter Valley. I used NTttcp to test network switch throughput on some Cisco Switches. (From memory they had lost some ports due to a lightning strike) I had forgotten about it for years but was reminded of it...

Azure VM Types Pneumonic

Whatever helps the memory Nice overview of VM Types or Series https://azure.microsoft.com/en-au/pricing/details/virtual-machines/series/ TypePneumonicDescriptionA - BasicAsDev / Test usageA - StandardAdamGeneral PurposeB - BurstablebecameRun on CPU credits and can...

Disable the Twitter in-app Browser

When using Twitter on my Android OnePlus 3T phone. If I click on a link and then browse the article. After a short time of scrolling and reading the Twitter in-app Browser locks up and I have to restart Twitter To fix: Click on your profile picture, select settings...


Just an FYI for anyone else. If you are using Elegant Themes with a child theme and you try and edit and save a file on the child theme it may time out and fail. This as I've just learned is because of ET Safe Mode Navigate to Divi => Support Center => Safe Mode and...