A cron job I have created to run a backup script every week day at 5:10PM # m h dom mon dow command # backup simple invoices and subversion repo # every week day 10 17 * * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/backup.sh Here are some different command output redirection options Redirect...
James McDonald
Some Reasons Why My Site Might Not Be Doing Well in Search. Put Here for Later Reading
Google Drive Mobius Loop Icon looks Vaguely like a Recycling Symbol
I don't know if anyone else can see the similarity but the Recycling Symbol and the Google Drive symbol seem to be derived from the same concept namely a mobius strip or loop.
Check what your IP address is Online
There are many services that do this but looking in the Debian distributions package change logs I noticed that they are using http://checkip.dyndns.org/ to return your globally recognized IP address. And it returns a very nice sparse reply as follows. [code...
Getting APC Cache and batcache working on my Server
In Wordpress Admin Area Installed the "Batcache Manager" and "APC Object Cache" plugins using the Plugins ==> Add New option in the Wordpress Admin Panel and didn't activate created phpinfo.php in the web root of my webserver and called it via a browser Contents of...
Website Speed Up
Just discovered my traffic to this website has dropped by about 50% not sure why, could be the vagaries of searching engine ranking. Update: Apparently there has been some 52 algorithm changes on Google in April alone so I think I may be the victim of the Google SEO...
Inject IDE / SATA Drivers into an Ghost Image Restored into VMWare
Boot an XP VM with a working controller and the right Virtual Hardware Open Device Manager and expand the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers Choose the Controller and then go in and view the properties Make a note of the PCI\Vend string. In this case it's VEN_8086&DEV_7111...
Work-a-round for Windows 2008 Search not finding File Names
Profoundly confused by Windows search. After Windows XP|2003 it doesn't seem to find anything even if you know the file is there. Indexing doesn't seem to find the files either. Selecting it to find system and hidden and still no joy. So here is my work around for...
VBS to Answer how many fax devices a Windows Fax Server has.
Set FaxServer = WScript.CreateObject("FAXCOMEX.FaxServer") FaxServer.Connect "" ' use empty quotes if you want the local machine set FaxDevices = FaxServer.GetDevices() msgbox(FaxDevices.count) Discovered that this only queries physical fax devices that show up in Fax...
Ghost Image Restore Into VMWare Server throws 0x7B Boot Error
DISCLAIMER Update: This is for a SCSI disk controller 0x7B error. There is some information here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314082 from Microsoft regarding IDE Controller Driver Injection into an image and I have tried it successfully. I have just taken a ghost...
Using VBScript for Sending Faxes to Windows Fax Servers
Note: I just discovered that this script doesn't work with network faxes. What I mean by this is the fax device appears to the user but isn't listed in the devices of the fax manager. So if you are wanting to send to a fax that is accessed via \\servername\faxname and...
Unmystify TLA’s with the abbr HTML Tag
Just discovered the <abbr> HTML tag a nifty way of inlining your abbreviation explanations. It allows you to unmystify TLA's with the abbr HTML Tag. You need to hover over the TLA to get the abbreviation. On my blog the abbr tag doesn't change the text colour to...
Online File Storage, Sync and Sharing Services
I have been using Dropbox (http://www.dropbox.com) and Box.com (http://www.box.com) to share files with people. Dropbox has great Linux support and integration into the Gnome Nautilus file manager. Box is good too but is more Windows / Mac Centric and I think...
Perl Script to Convert CUPS /etc/cups/printers.conf to CSV
I'm currently transferring a Formtrap Forms Server to a later version and I want to run the new and old servers in parrallel for a while so I have added a heap of printers onto a Redhat 5.5 Server pointing to the new server. The trouble is that all the settings aren't...
Opensource Barcode Generator in Pure Postscript
Update March 2015: It appears that Scribus' support for bwipp is now broken the control characters you need to insert correctly formatted barcodes now seem to be ignored. So I can't get a valid GS1-128 barcode by using Code-128 and inserting the correct Symbol start...
Using netcat to Provide a Network Endpoint During Development
I'm in the process of creating a Perl script that sends configuration commands to a SATO printer via a Moxa networked serial port. My problem with the development process is the Moxa and SATO Printer is in a Tin Shed that climbs to 35° C plus. It's not much fun...
jQuery Version Shuffle
Today I tried to run the following javascript using jQuery 1.4.2 on IE8 under Windows XP Pro SP3: // returns 'pallet' tabname var tab = get_tab(); // returns 'pallet-item' text input field var target_field = get_target_field(tab); // works in firefox and chrome but...
Going Virtual with VMWare and Dell – Part 1
In the Beginning I have been employed in my current role since 2004. When I started, there was a generic PC running Netware 3.11 Server the files on which were soon transfered over to SBS2003 running on a noname server with IDE disks. Within a year I had imaged and...