Just putting this here for later. A git talk that covers everything that I wonder about with git. Also the speaker has a book which going by her previous courses will be excellent.
James McDonald
Mounting a folder shared from VMWare Workstation of Fusion Host inside a Fedora 30 through 33 Guest
Inside the Fedora Guest Install open-vm-tools In the Virtual Machine Guest Settings Enable shared folders VMWare Workstation Pro on Fedora 33 - Shared Folders Settings VMWare Fusion on MacOS - Shared Folder Settings Reboot the guest after doing the above Commands to...
Just putting this here as I have a SELECT in MySQL that was taking 1.946 sec to return 20 records from a table with 159884 records when using a ORDER BY DESC on a DATETIME field Creating an index and changing the FROM to FORCE INDEX () dropped it down to 0.00079 sec /...
Using a git repo as a composer repository
So here is the link so I don't forget it Add your repo's URL into your composer.json in the repositories key and change the version on the original repo name to your dev-* version where * is a branch of your github...
AWS to Digital Ocean DNS Record Migration
Just completed a migration away from AWS to Digital Ocean Need to install the Digital Ocean dotctl command line utility (this is using brew on a mac) brew install dotctl Transfer domain records away from AWS using the aws-cli #!/bin/bash domains=$(aws route53...
https connection to Cups NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED on MacOS Catalina
NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED <= This is an error I got when connecting to the Cups Admin page see the heading below "How to fix NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED" Work-a-round: You can just use Safari and add the cert to the local trust list or see the heading below "How to fix...
Format validationsErrors
A recursive function that takes a validation error array and return a string with all the different errors concatenated into a formatted string Further to my previous posting This function will walk...
PHP Version Gotcha
Just copied some code from a PHP 7.3+ development environment to the server running PHP 7.2 On the server I am getting this On PHP 7.3 it runs fine Because the line number is not listed this is how I find the problem Find which controller is being called when you see...
Remove Sensitive Data from Git Hub
If you follow the faqs on github it will say you can use bfg to remove sensitive data Here are my learnings bfg has to be run from the root of the git repository i.e....
Populating your Web App with Sample Data during Development
For years I have been using laboriously hand entered test data when developing. Perhaps because coding for me was a hobby and most of the things I was doing didn't need oodles of sample data But recently after doing a Laravel tutorial I was introduced to the Faker...
Embed Create React App SPA into CakePHP 3.8.x view
Some small changes from the old CRA version 2.x the asset-manifest.json now has an entrypoints key // view code src/Template/Assigned/schedule_edit.ctp <?php foreach ($css as $style) : ?> <?= $this->Html->css('/react' . $style, [ 'block' => true ]); ?> <?php...
G-Suite to Office 365 Migration Stalled
Following the steps at this link: Trigger the migration in the ECP (Exchange Control Panel) Viewing the status of the migration Login to...
Mikael – 5 yr old – Suffers from Seizures #hopeforhh
On a recent trip to Europe we caught up with an old friend who had stayed with my wife in Sydney when they were both single. Since then life has moved on and she has had children. Visiting with the family we found that Mikael, who is 5, suffers from a large life...
I like the smell of Laravel
So I've created number of websites and applications in CakePHP 2.x and 3.x As my coding experience has grown I found invariably I have been struggling with a number of things and while I really appreciated: Cake conventions providing consistent approach to structuring...
Toggen WMS
A few years ago I had to install a solution that would take the place of some of the functionality of an ERP that was not coming across during a business acquisition Toggen WMS (Warehouse Management System) is written using the CakePHP 2.x framework with some UI in...
Google Chrome Infuriating Redirects
Google Apps has the ability to define a custom hostname for it's calendar, drive, mail, sites, groups services How it works is you create a CNAME record in DNS that points from your custom domain to Google which then intelligently redirects you to the correct service...
Zint – FNC1
GS1-128 Barcodes have a FNC1 character at the beginning but if a field is variable length a FNC1 is embedded to delimit the end of the field from the next AI code Zint is a open source barcode generator and it already has the AI rules in it so that it knows when to...
CakePHP 2.x Reducing Database Column Sizes by changing from TEXT to VARCHAR Column Types
I was using a TEXT database field for some text settings and found that it uses 64kb of data SELECT name, char_length(comment)/1024 FROM settings; Checking the field size with the above query I found that the largest content was 0.6660 kb. So I had specified a...