My Log of getting Fedora 25 Running on my Macbook Pro After being on a MacOS for about 2 years I've just this week built the courage to blow the install away and install Fedora on the bare metal. What follows are my notes on the things that I have been tweaking as I...
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The End of Ye Olde Ugly NGinx Config Files
Install python3. This is for CentOS Download and install The download and the instructions are at Once installed usage is as follows. [code...
When outbound HTTP and HTTPS is denied you have to get creative with 3proxy and SSH The above link has a how-to on running a socks5 proxy just by using ssh. PS I have used Digital Ocean for 3+ years and except for one instance of...
SeLinux Apache Joomla — No network connect for you!
If you have Apache+PHP+Joomla and are trying to use the Joomla Update feature while seLinux is enabled you will probably see But you can get it to work if you set the correct option in seLinux ...
Windows 7-Zip Chunks, Linux Un-chunk My Heart
Chunking Files with 7-Zip on Windows From windows you can do the whole shebang directions here ==> This is my directions for chunking something on windows and then...
Notes from PHP 5.x to PHP 7.1 Upgrade
PHP Install on Mac I use CakePHP 2 and 3 so they need intl and mcrypt brew install php71 --with-httpd24 brew install php71-imagick brew install php71-intl brew install php71-mcrypt Also I found that calling a function as follows fails # this PHP 5.x code calls a...
nginx suddenly can’t proxy to non-standard ports – Boolean SeLinux
I did an upgrade recently and suddenly nginx wasn't forwarding requests to remote hosts on non-standard ports.... this was on a CentOS host which had seLinux enabled. Turn seLinux off temporarily setenforce 0 Does nginx now work proxying to non-standard ports? Turn it...
getent passwd username on winbind enabled CentOS returns nothing
Problem: Added a CentOS 6.5 server to a Windows SBS 2011 domain. And discovered that I got an empty reply when running: # where jamesmcd is your Windows domain username getent passwd jamesmcd If this is the case you will not be able to use your domain account and...
kinit: Cannot find KDC for requested realm while getting initial credentials
kinit adminuser@DOMAIN.LOCAL kinit: Cannot find KDC for requested realm while getting initial credentials Changed these [libdefaults] default_realm = DOMAIN.LOCAL dns_lookup_realm = true dns_lookup_kdc = true probably best to use authconfig-tui to modify Kerberos...
CentOS is doing a reverse split with Redhat
Announcement here: I use Redhat because of its being certified for $DAYJOBs QAD Systems ERP software. Elsewhere I use CentOS because I have always liked Redhats system-config-xxxx style of...