I got this error "error:java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError" on the status bar of Firefox 3.0 while attempting to load Gallery 2's Java Upload Applet. Looks as though the IcedTea Java plugin is not compatible with the Upload Applet The fix: sudo apt-get remove...
How to extract Icons from Windows executeables in Linux
I have installed a small app using Wine under Ubuntu 8.04 however the desktop launcher icon isn't the correct one for the application. Windows frequently stores application icons in the programs exe file. So to fix my launcher icon I need to extract the icon from the...
QCAD uses /etc/printcap which doesn’t have correct printer entries
Just thought I would share my experiences with a printing problem I was having. QCAD (at least some versions) seems to look at /etc/printcap to populate the printing dialog box. I have had an issue where the wrong printer was being listed in the print dialog (one that...
Ubuntu 8.04 Devel – Acrobat Reader 8.1.2
I had an issue with Adobe Reader 8.1.1 printing Landscape layout on Portrait paper (not rotating properly). However it appears that the new 8.1.2 has fixed this. So if you are having problems with printing PDF's under Ubuntu 8.04 Devel try upgrading to Adobe Reader...
Sometimes xpdf does the job where Acrobat Reader 8.x can’t
Just about everything in the GNU/Linux world is working pretty much as advertised these days. I had an interesting issue with trying to print a restaurant menu from Legends Grill at The Vintage which incidentally is where we had our Wedding reception a few years ago...
Getting Java working on Ubuntu 8.04 Development Branch
Java will not run unless I do the following hack which will set the environment variable system wide. vi /etc/environment PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games" LANG="en_AU.UTF-8" LANGUAGE="en_AU:en"...
Java on Ubuntu hardy (development branch) fails to launch
I have upgraded Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 in the dev branch some things aren't working. I installed the latest openoffice from OpenOffice.org and it wouldn't install using the provided java installer and when I installed it using the deb download it couldn't find Java....
Delete a pppoe connection in Ubuntu
I swapped from a bridge adsl modem setup (the connection is defined and terminates as ppp0 on my Linux box) to a ADSL Router setup where the username and password is in the ADSL Router itself. The problem was that my Linux box still had the pppoe connection defined...
Rotating a document using pdftk
I have in the past used Ghostscript to rotate PDFs however this time I used a utility call pdftk On Ubuntu 7.10 it is easily installed using the command: sudo apt-get install pdftk To rotate a pdf 90 degrees to the right (the entire document in this example) you run...
Printing PDF documents from QCAD and Ubuntu Linux 7.10
I use an excellent open source CAD package QCAD which I pay about 49$ P.A. to have the latest version for both Linux (home) and Windows (work). Under Linux it can export as high quality PDF using the "File ==> PDF Export" function but the size of the PDF is quite...
Ubuntu 7.10 – NetworkManager OpenVPN control only works in “Roaming Mode”
I have a workstation with a fixed IP address. I also from time to time connect to a PPTP VPN tunnel and a OpenVPN tunnel. NetworkManager (nm-applet) in Ubuntu has the ability to connect to both types of tunnel. However this only works when the eth0 interface is in...
How to tell what version of Ubuntu you are running
Here are a couple of methods to determine which version of Ubuntu you are running: The contents of file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html has the "Welcome to " information. In my case that is "Welcome to Xubuntu 7.04!". The version number equates to what...