I normally have 100/40 connection but just trying out Exetel Speed Boost which is 250/25 Worth doing if you have a big download or two to do...
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Australian Cyber Security
Australian Gov. Cyber Security Websites with information on recommended Cyber Standards https://www.asd.gov.au/about/what-we-do/cyber-security https://www.cyber.gov.au/learn-basics...
Testing the private/protected methods of a PHP Trait
The Trait <?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Lib\Help\Traits; trait HelpServiceShellExecTrait { protected function shellExec(string $cmd) { // redirect stderr so we can see the output // if the command fails return trim((string) shell_exec(sprintf('%s...
How to create a one-line Powershell command in Task Scheduler
In this example I am creating a task to restart a service without first creating and calling a batch script (.bat, .cmd) using a powershell one-liner. For example C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -command "Restart-Service -Name 'Dhcp'" rem...
Warning Unifi UDM and UDR do NOT Support PoE+
Just had a situation where a newly installed Unifi U7 Pro was plugged into the PoE port on a UDR, it worked but showed a warning message in the Unifi UI (See following quote and the image below) The access point is connected to a port, which does not supply sufficient...
Alternative to pgAdmin4 on Arm 64 Linux
I have an instance of Arm 64 Ubuntu 24.04 running inside VMWare Fusion on a Macbook Pro M1 Pgadmin4 is NOT available in an arm64 build So an alternative is DBeaver Download and untar the ARM 64 version...
Mailpit a good upgrade from Mailhog
So I've been using mailhog to catch my development emails for a few years. But noticed that some of the inline images weren't rendered in the mailhog GUI and the mailhog docker image hadn't been updated for a few years So I've switched to Mailpit which seems to have a...
Zebra Print Language – GS1 Online Testing
Go here to view the compiled results of your ZPL https://labelary.com/viewer.html Print the above to PDF / PNG and then upload a graphic of it to. To see the tokenized results of the barcode. https://www.aidecoder.com The above will not tell you if you have valid...
Template Change
Today I changed my Divi template to the "Simple" layout theme. As part of the change I removed a number of pages including web hosting and other offerings. I retained my certifications and services pages. Some services websites drive business but in my case website...
Visio 2019 Installs Onenote 2016 and then Onenote constantly crashes
Latest version of Windows 11 Installed Microsoft 365 apps from my licensed Microsoft Partner Microsoft Action Pack (MAP) by logging into office.com and downloading the Office installer from there. Later installed the MAP software benefit provided Visio 2019 64 bit and...