
Google Algorithm Change Traffic Increase

On May 19 2014 Google made an Algorithm change as can be seen at this Google Algorithm Change History page. Around the same time I moved my website from Rackspace to DigitalOcean Anyway, a day or so later I noticed a marked increase in daily traffic. I thought perhaps...

Google Apps – Annoyances

I shifted my email for to Google Apps. However I have found an annoying behaviour for Gmail. Join an email list (I'm on [email protected]) with your Google hosted email domain. Send an email to the list. The traditional behaviour should be...

Google Ranking Anxiety

Ever since I posted this regarding typing my name into Google and being on the first page of listings I have noticed that I've now become obsessed with staying on the Google search results front page. This is silly because a. The Telarah Times is not for commercial...

Say my name, say my name – Google Search

Every now and again, as an exercise in vanity, I type "James McDonald" into Google Search to see where in the scheme of things I rank according to them. Today I typed in my name and was surprised to see this website is on the first page of results. Usually I would...