So Paris is nothing like Sydney. The bus ride from the Airport showed me modern Paris and like all big cities there was miles and miles of industrial parks and motorways. After a "sortie" from our accommodation I feel I must repent in dust and ashes. To think that I...
Selected posts
Paris – Arrived
Just got to our accomodation in Paris. It's quite nice actually. It's in one one of those old buildings that has been retro fitted for the modern era. It's got interesting plumbing and electrical. But it also has wifi so I'm happy. I haven't seen much of Paris as yet....
Arrival Hong Kong Airport
Just arrived in Hong Kong. The approach was really beautiful the lights of the city and the interspersed clouds made me feel like a mythological god looking down on humanity. Hong Kong airport is big, modern and organized. Despite me being a nervous traveler, the...
Sydney Airport… Waiting
Mum took us to the airport. I've made the classic mistake of getting here way too early. Good news is there is wifi. I'm looking across at a youngish woman using an Apple (macbook I think). It's got this massive glowing apple on the back of the monitor. Brand is...
Europe 2011
After several months of preparations I have half a day of work to go before we head to Sydney and fly to Paris to begin our 6 week European Vacation. I think I will divert this blog for a few weeks from the predominately IT/Linux postings and try my Lonely Planet...