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IT related tech tips since 2006Electron & React
So I have been using timer apps from the App Store on my Mac to time parts that I run on Zoom. I was using Tempus but the form factor meant that I was clicking start and then having to relocate the window and hiding the control buttons. I also found that sometimes I...
Launching Google Chrome as an app on Windows & MacOS
Making a timer with javascript and want run it with no menus in chrome and a specific canvas / viewport size. But was always opening large. The secret to it not being the same size as an already running window is making --user-data-dir a new random location Windows...
CakePHP 4 multi-value search form
Sometimes you want to provide a multi-value search form This form POST's to Thenthe lookupSearch action filters the POST data and redirects to the lookup action with the search terms in the query string The lookup...
SFTP on Linux with chroot
I am currently working on integrating a client internal system with MessageXchange via an SFTP gateway for EDI with Coles, Woolworth and Metcash (when MessageXchange / Colladium - completes their accreditation) So for testing I wanted to emulate their SFTP endpoint....
MacOS USB Creator
Just toasted my Windows 10 Pro install with a Windows 11 upgrade. Think it will be unrecoverable (because of Bitlocker and no recovery keys in AAD) but going to try and recover with Veeam and need to copy the recovery ISO to USB to kick off the restore. This is a nice...
CakePHP 4 development environment with docker compose orchestrated containers
A screencast I did of CakePHP 4 development environment with docker-compose containers. #cakephp https://youtu.be/uoOb6u3_NU8
Cakephp 4 – Display the loaded plugin list in the ui
Handy snippet to include your loaded plugin list in a view // templates/Pages/help.php <tr> <th>Loaded Plugins</th> <td> <?= Text::toList(Plugin::loaded()) ?></td> </tr> Walah!
Cakephp 4 with cakedc/auth and rbac
I have been trying to do a Youtube video coding a CakePHP 4 with Authentication / Authorization using RequestAuthorizationMiddleware tied into CakeDC/auth RBAC After multiple tries I'm just posting it as is. I learnt I'm not currently a video editor....
WordPress database transfer BETWEEN LIVE AND DEVELOPMENT SITES without a plugin
Transfer a Wordpress site between Live and Development environments or domains using the command line Take a database backup mysqldump --databases wpdb -uroot -p > wp.sql From LIVE to Development Environment sed -ibak 's+https://toggen.com.au+http://localhost:8080+g'...