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IT related tech tips since 2006CakePHP Login and Authenticaton Tutorial
http://miftyisbored.com/a-complete-login-and-authentication-application-tutorial-for-cakephp-2-3/ This site is by a multi-talented developer that sometimes Blogs about CakePHP. The good thing about it is he includes listings for the structure of the database tables...
CakePHP 2.4.6 Transitioning to Encrypted DB Columns
Note: The encryption created with Cakephp 2.4.6 Security::rijndael can't be read (by default) using the MySQL AES_DECRYPT() function so once you have it encrypted you can only read and write using the CakePHP application. I believe CakePHP 2.5.x has another couple of...
Using make-dummy-cert to Create a Self-Signed Certificate to HTTPS enable an NGinx Served Website in CentOS – and other mouthfuls
I'm using CentOS release 6.5 (Final). Located in /etc/pki/tls/certs is a file named "make-dummy-cert" In the answers() section you can enter some reasonably valid content (see example below) and then run it with a target file name (I generally make the file the same...
Including CSS Stylesheet Link from View CakePHP Version Gotcha
Just ran into a version problem where my devel environment was running a cakephp version ahead of my live In cake 2.4.1 this works: // in layout echo $this->fetch('css'); // in view $this->Html->css( array( 'mio-accordion' ), array('block' => 'css') ); But...
What is Your Web Server saying to Your Browser Behind Your Back?
If you are wanting information about the interaction between your PHP web application framework (Wordpress, Joomla, CakePHP, Drupal, etc), your web server (Apache, IIS, Nginx) and your browser. You can do the following. Create a file on your PHP enabled web server...
X2GO Fedora 20 – Actually works really well
How I got it working Prerequisites: you need a working ssh server on your Fedora 20 box and port 22 forwarded from your internet router to the Fedora 20 PC. yum install x2goserver Gnome 3 doesn't seem to work I tried gnome-session --session=gnome-fallback to no avail....
NGinx Logrotate
When you start creating virtual hosts under NGinx and give them separate access and error logs don't forget to update the logrotate configuration otherwise your logs just keep growing. I have named my logs with .access and .error extensions instead of the default .log...
Postfix / Mailgun Setup
For each website domain name I want to send email and make sure that it reliably delivered through a trusted relayhost. Mailgun allows you to set TXT records for each of your domains to add the mailgun smtp relay servers as trusted hosts for relaying your email from...
Simple Invoices PDF Export Formatting and Logo Missing – NGinx
I am running Simple Invoices on Nginx. I have basic authentication switched on: location /simple_invoices/ { auth_basic "Simple Invoices"; auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/auth/htpasswd; } The problem I have been seeing is that the formatting and the Logo is missing...