Online Investing

So I went to the…


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So I went to the book shop at Greenhills Shopping Centre the other day and shelled out thirty dollars on "Online Investing on the Australian Sharemarket" Edition 3 by Roger Kinsky. I'm up to chapter 3 and I find it very readable. I haven't been flummoxed by jargon as yet, which I find re-assuring.

My first foray into shares involved an employee stock purchase plan for a previous company. It was during the dot com boom prior to the bubble bursting. On my meager salary I could afford to purchase about 10 shares at 85$ each. Then shortly after I did that the dot com boom went boom and they went to around 2 dollars a share they are now worth... 13.57 USD.

So you can understand me being nervous about the whole subject.

However, I would like to study up about it because any bank account you have is returning only about 6%. Which doesn't even cover inflation.

I am not sure if I will go into investing. But I don't see a problem with educating myself.

I had a look at a video of Warren Buffet giving a talk to some MBA's at a Uni somewhere. The interesting part was 'if you don't understand it don't do it'. I presume that approach would take away a lot of emotional investing.

I'm sure many people develop an interest in something and then never do it. But in anything if you don't do something you can't either win or lose only spectate.


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