Access the contents of an ISO on Windows 7

Written by James McDonald

April 19, 2011

I have been Googling for the past half hour “CD Mounter”, “ISO Mount”, “Virtual CD for Windows 7”, “How can I open a CD/DVD ISO on Windows 7” and found Virtualclone Drive from Slysoft which does the job of mounting a CD/DVD ISO as a drive letter.

However I have also found 7-zip gives you access to the contents of your ISO’s just as well.

On Windows 7 x64 I did the following.

  1. Right click on an ISO and choose the “Open with==>” option from the context menu
  2. Click “Choose Default Program…”
  3. On the Open with Dialog click the “Browse…” button
  4. Navigate to your 7-zip install folder which on my machine was “C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip”
  5. Double click “7zFM.exe”
  6. Depending if you want to make 7-zip the default ISO opening program leave the “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file” checkbox selected or not.
  7. Click OK.


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