Written by James McDonald

April 7, 2014

scribus-logo-webI use Fedora 20 at home and Windows 7 at work but I like to be able to have a consistent environment across my Workstations.

The following is a list of productivity applications that gets installed on both Windows and Linux.


ApplicationWhat it doesReplacesWhere to get it
InkscapeVector EditorAdobe Illustratorhttp://inkscape.org/en/
GimpPhoto EditingAdobe Photoshophttp://gimp.org
ScribusDesktop publishingMicrosoft Publisherhttp://www.scribus.net/canvas/Scribus
LibreOfficeOfficeMicrosoft Office - Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Accesshttp://www.libreoffice.org/
AudacitySound Editorhttp://audacity.sourceforge.net/
PuTTYTerminal SSH, SFTP Program
Mozilla ThunderbirdMail clientMicrosoft Outlookhttp://www.mozilla.org/thunderbird/?
FilezillaFTP, SFTP Gui Clienthttps://filezilla-project.org/
GhostScript / GSViewOpen Postscript, XPS FilesXPS Viewerhttp://www.ghostscript.com/download/
QCAD2D Computer Aided DesignAutoCAD Litehttp://www.ribbonsoft.com
MySQL WorkbenchAdmin console for MySQL database serverhttp://www.mysql.com/products/workbench/


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