loop no! ==> vmware-loop no! ==> vmware-mount yes!

Written by James McDonald

February 21, 2009

I read an article in Linux magazine. Which said that you can mount vmware images with this command:

mount -o loop,offset=32256 vmware-disk-image.vmdk /mountpoint

mount: you must specify the filesystem type

As you can see my Ubuntu 8.04 system didn’t seem to like it

Then I checked out a http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ article which said there is a utility named vmware-loop so:

locate -i vmware-loop


So then I entered vmware {TAB}

vmware                   vmware-mount             vmware-vim-cmd
vmware-authd             vmware-ping              vmware-vimsh
vmware-authdlauncher     vmware-uninstall.pl      vmware-watchdog
vmware-config.pl         vmware-uninstall-vix.pl  
vmware-hostd             vmware-vdiskmanager

And it looks like the command for VMWare Server 2 is vmware-mount


vmware-mount -L
No mounted disks.
vmware-mount -p Zenwalk.vmdk 
Nr      Start       Size Type Id Sytem                   
-- ---------- ---------- ---- -- ------------------------
 1          1    6345674 BIOS 83 Linux
 2    6345675    2040255 BIOS 82 Linux swap

vmware-mount Zenwalk.vmdk 1 loop/

vmware-mount -L
Disks with mounted partitions:
	/u1/Virtual Machines/Zenwalk/Zenwalk.vmdk

cd loop/
bin   dev  home  media  proc  sbin  tmp  var
boot  etc  lib   mnt    root  sys   usr

I tested this with a Windows XP VMware disk and it works also. I presume you need ntfs-3g installed for this to work and ntfsprogs might be handy for doing things to the mount NTFS volume


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