My commonly used OSS admin tools Windows XP

Written by James McDonald

June 4, 2007

Every few months at work I check for upgrades of the software that I use. I have the normal Windows XP Pro SP2 with Office 2k3 and Acrobat Reader Installed.

The rest of my software that I use on a daily basis is open source.

  • GIMP 2.2.14 – Image editing
  • PuTTY 0.60 – SSH and Telnet access to Linux boxes also used by FWBuilder to deploy firewall scripts
  • Firefox – Web browsing
  • Thunderbird – Access my IMAP email account
  • Scribus => – I use this to generate barcodes, actually it’s supposed to be for desktop publishing
  • Inkscape 0.44.1 => – Very useful for designing signs and anything that involves arbitrary scaleable font sizes
  • Dia 0.96.1-4 – I draw Network diagrams with this
  • Cygwin 1.5.24-2 – Use the bash environment and sometimes perl and also if I want to run sshd on windows
  • OpenOffice 2.2.0 – Do lot of my documentation in odt format. Nice export to PDF feature
  • Notepadd++ 4.0.2 => 4.1.2 – I found notepad.exe wasn’t featureful enough. This has the great ability to find and replace regex’s
  • QCAD – 2D cad, easy to use at 46USD a year well worth it.
  • FWBuilder 2.1.11 – Graphical firewall rule generator becoming very good tool to manage multiple firewall rulesets and keep them versioned.
  • TortoiseSVN 1.4.3 – Subversion client for windows

A lot of these products now have a Help => Check for updates… link so it’s easy to keep them current


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