Create a WordPress Page Tab that leads to a non WordPress URL

Written by James McDonald

October 26, 2009

I have my WordPress setup to display all the blog posts on the front page and the WordPress “Pages” as tabs on the navigation at the top of the page.

However I also would like the navigation to point to other non WordPress areas of my domain and go straight there. For example my Gallery2 Gallery or a long URL somewhere else:

You have several options of adding tabs and getting them to redirect to non – WordPress parts of your site:
A wordpress plugin that does the job

The Header.php Hack Method
Edit the template you are using and change the PHP code to add another navigation element which will appear as a tab. The problem with this approach is some WordPress templates have a mix of PHP, jQuery and CSS making up the navigation tabs so it becomes confusing as to what to add to the template to get yourself a new tab. Not only can it be confusing you also lose your tabs when you change templates. Read on for a solution:

Note: The following works on sites which use Apache web server and have .htaccess and mod_rewrite working.

WordPress Page with the Permalink Pointing to a Top Level Web Directory
If you have a gallery located at it’s simple
Firstly Create a new blank page with a title and edit the permalink to simply be /gallery as shown here:
When you click the “Gallery” tab it will take you directly to the /gallery URL

WordPress Page with a Unique Permalink using .htaccess to Redirect to a Complicated URL
If you have a more complex URL you want to redirect to such as http://yourdomain/gallery/v/house_progress. You then need one more thing to get it working.
Again you create a new blank WordPress Page with a unique arbritrary permalink:

Then you need to edit your .htacess file (I will let you discover the location of this on your web site) and put a Redirect in. In the example I am using the WordPress page permalink points to /renos and that redirects to the /gallery/v/house_progress URL. Of course you could redirect to an external URL too.

# BEGIN WordPress

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
Redirect 301 /renos /gallery/v/house_progress
# you can also use something like
# Redirect 301 /mypermalink
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress

This list is just other ways of saying the title of this blog.

  • WordPress Page Tab Leading to External Weblink
  • Navigation Page Navigation Tabs pointing to External Pages
  • Create a wordpress page to an external resource or URL
  • Embed an external link in your wordpress page tabs
  • Create links to external content on the WordPress Page Tab Navigation without editing the template


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