Written by James McDonald

March 31, 2010

Sarg is a Squid Report Generator that scans your Squid logs and generates html reports that are available via a web page.

I have used sarg for years on Redhatian boxes with no troubles. My issues started when I moved to Ubuntu as my Squid Proxy. No Daily, Weekly or Monthly Sarg reports are generated with a default Sarg install.

Using this link pointed me in the right direction and a comment on the post helped further.

So here is what I did to configure a working Sarg+Squid setup.

  1. Edit /etc/logrotate.d/squid and change the daily option to monthly and change the command line for prerotate to actually do something
  2. #
    #       Logrotate fragment for squid.
    /var/log/squid/*.log {
            # comment out daily and add monthly
            # this means squid will rotate the logs on a monthly basis
            # daily
            rotate 2
                    # The default command does nothing but return a usage message
                    # test ! -x /usr/sbin/sarg-reports || /usr/sbin/sarg-reports
                    # change the command so prior to the logs being rotated it does a monthly report
                    # the first part (before the ||) checks for the executeable sarg-reports 
                    # and the second part is the actual command
                    test ! -x /usr/sbin/sarg-reports || /usr/sbin/sarg-reports monthly
                    test ! -e /var/run/squid.pid || /usr/sbin/squid -k rotate
  3. I also commented out the contents of /etc/cron.monthly because it will be run by the logrotate prerotate command. I don’t remove the cron file because I want to be able to revert just in case.
    # Skipping Monthly log rotate because it is done in the squid logrotate prerotate command
    # if [ -x /usr/sbin/sarg-reports ]; then
    #  /usr/sbin/sarg-reports monthly
    # fi
  5. Finally I have moved the /etc/cron.daily/sarg /etc/cron.weekly/sarg files so they run before any possible logrotate command by renaming them with a prefix of 0
  6. mv /etc/cron.daily/sarg /etc/cron.daily/0sarg
    mv /etc/cron.weekly/sarg /etc/cron.weekly/0sarg


  1. Dave

    Nice post! I really like this method. Thanks man, just what I was looking for!

  2. KegRaider

    Thanks! The above mention posts are no longer available, but I’m sure this will fix my issue too.


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