Written by James McDonald

September 23, 2011

I googled “VBScript Send Fax” today and got an excellent example:



Update: Microsoft Documentation http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686957(v=VS.85).aspx

But the site seems to be bouncing / unavailable so before it goes offline I have dragged the example out of the cache so I have it for monday:

Sub CheckError(strDetails) 
   Dim strErr 
   If Err.Number <> 0 then 
    	strErr = strDetails & " : Exception " & Err.Description & " err.Number=0x" & Hex(Err.Number) 
    	WScript.Echo strErr 
  	End If 
End Sub

'For Windows XP and above

On Error Resume Next 
Set FaxServer = WScript.CreateObject("FAXCOMEX.FaxServer") 
WScript.Echo "FaxServer created" 
'    Connect to the fax server. Specify computer name if the server is remote. See How to connect to a remote Fax Service for details. 
FaxServer.Connect "" 

Set FaxDoc = WScript.CreateObject("FAXCOMEX.FaxDocument") 

'    Set file name of any printable document. 
FaxDoc.Body = "test.rtf" 
FaxDoc.DocumentName = "My First Fax" 
'    Add recipient's fax number. If this string contains a canonical fax number 
'    (starting with plus + followed by a country code, an area code in round brackets 
'    surrounded by spaces and a fax number), the Fax Service will translate 
'    that number into dialable format in accordance with your current location. 
'    Otherwise, make sure the international prefix or long distance prefix is specified when needed, 
'    as the fax number will be passed on to a fax driver (Fax Service Provider) unchanged. 
'    For example, sending a fax from San Francisco to Sydney's fax number 123456, the canonical address 
'    +61 (2) 123456 will be translated into dialable address 011612123456. 
'    If you are using T37FSP in conjunction with Internet Fax Service, specify absolute address 
'    612123456 (without leading plus, to avoid translation into dialable format), 
'    as most Internet Fax Services expect the number in the absolute format. 
'    To take advantage of Windows Fax Service outbound routing available on Windows Server 
'    fax address must be specified in canonical format. 

FaxDoc.Recipients.Add ("612123456") 

'    Optionally, set the sender properties. 
'    T37FSP uses only FaxDoc.Sender.Email in Windows Server 2003 for delivery status notifications. 
'    In Windows Server 2008, T37FSP derives email address from FaxDoc.Sender.Name via facsBridge.xml file. 

FaxDoc.Sender.Email = "[email protected]" 
FaxDoc.Sender.Name = "Bob" 
FaxDoc.Sender.FaxNumber = "7777777" 

'    Optionally, Use FaxDoc.CoverPage and FaxDoc.CoverPageType to specify a cover page 
'    FaxDoc.CoverPage = generic 
'    FaxDoc.CoverPageType = 2 

'    Optionally, you can control banner in outbound faxes 
FaxServer.Folders.OutgoingQueue.Branding = True	'    True to set banner on, False to set banner off 
FaxServer.Folders.OutgoingQueue.Save	 '      Make the change persistent 
'    Optionally, use FaxServer.Folders.OutgoingQueue.Retries and 
'    FaxServer.Folders.OutgoingQueue.RetryDelay to control retries 

'    Submit the document to the connected fax server and get back the job ID. 
JobID = FaxDoc.ConnectedSubmit(FaxServer) 
WScript.Echo "FaxDoc.ConnectedSubmit success"


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