wxPerl – Getting which button has been clicked

Written by James McDonald

August 14, 2009

I’ve been using wxGlade to create wxPerl interfaces.

This is a sample of how to get one subroutine to handle multiple keys. Clicking any key allows the subroutine to return the label text of which key has been pressed.


Pressing a key will give a Wx::MessageBox


I haven’t yet figured out how to return the actual control name (e.g. button_1 , button_2 etc). Sigh.

wxGlade file

Some information from the wxPerl mailing list you can, instead of leaving the default wxGlade -1 value for the key id and letting wxPerl generate it’s semi random keyid’s, define your own.

That way when you call ->GetId you can test against a predictable value

#define key ID's 
my ($KEY1, $KEY2, $KEY3, $KEY4, $KEY5, $KEY6, $KEY7, $KEY8, $KEY9) = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);

# update the button creation with the new button ID constants
        $self->{button_1} = Wx::Button->new($self, $KEY1, "1");
	$self->{button_2} = Wx::Button->new($self, $KEY2, "2");
	$self->{button_3} = Wx::Button->new($self, $KEY3, "3");
	$self->{button_4} = Wx::Button->new($self, $KEY4, "4");
	$self->{button_5} = Wx::Button->new($self, $KEY5, "5");
	$self->{button_6} = Wx::Button->new($self, $KEY6, "6");
	$self->{button_7} = Wx::Button->new($self, $KEY7, "7");
	$self->{button_8} = Wx::Button->new($self, $KEY8, "8");
	$self->{button_9} = Wx::Button->new($self, $KEY9, "9");

# you would then put this kind of code in the keyPress event handler sub
if ($KEY1 == $event->GetEventObject()->GetId() ) {
          # do blah

#!/usr/bin/perl -w -- 
# generated by wxGlade 0.6.3 on Fri Aug 14 14:57:39 2009
# To get wxPerl visit http://wxPerl.sourceforge.net/

use Wx 0.15 qw[:allclasses];
use strict;

package MyFrame;

use Wx qw[:everything];
use base qw(Wx::Frame);
use strict;

sub new {
	my( $self, $parent, $id, $title, $pos, $size, $style, $name ) = @_;
	$parent = undef              unless defined $parent;
	$id     = -1                 unless defined $id;
	$title  = ""                 unless defined $title;
	$pos    = wxDefaultPosition  unless defined $pos;
	$size   = wxDefaultSize      unless defined $size;
	$name   = ""                 unless defined $name;

# begin wxGlade: MyFrame::new

		unless defined $style;

	$self = $self->SUPER::new( $parent, $id, $title, $pos, $size, $style, $name );
	$self->{button_1} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "1");
	$self->{button_2} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "2");
	$self->{button_3} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "3");
	$self->{button_4} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "4");
	$self->{button_5} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "5");
	$self->{button_6} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "6");
	$self->{button_7} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "7");
	$self->{button_8} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "8");
	$self->{button_9} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "9");


	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{button_1}->GetId, \&keyPress);
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{button_2}->GetId, \&keyPress);
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{button_3}->GetId, \&keyPress);
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{button_4}->GetId, \&keyPress);
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{button_5}->GetId, \&keyPress);
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{button_6}->GetId, \&keyPress);
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{button_7}->GetId, \&keyPress);
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{button_8}->GetId, \&keyPress);
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{button_9}->GetId, \&keyPress);

# end wxGlade
	return $self;


sub __set_properties {
	my $self = shift;

# begin wxGlade: MyFrame::__set_properties

	$self->SetTitle("A sample keypad program");

# end wxGlade

sub __do_layout {
	my $self = shift;

# begin wxGlade: MyFrame::__do_layout

	$self->{sizer_1} = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1} = Wx::GridSizer->new(3, 3, 0, 0);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1}->Add($self->{button_1}, 0, 0, 0);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1}->Add($self->{button_2}, 0, 0, 0);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1}->Add($self->{button_3}, 0, 0, 0);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1}->Add($self->{button_4}, 0, 0, 0);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1}->Add($self->{button_5}, 0, 0, 0);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1}->Add($self->{button_6}, 0, 0, 0);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1}->Add($self->{button_7}, 0, 0, 0);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1}->Add($self->{button_8}, 0, 0, 0);
	$self->{grid_sizer_1}->Add($self->{button_9}, 0, 0, 0);
	$self->{sizer_1}->Add($self->{grid_sizer_1}, 1, wxEXPAND, 0);

# end wxGlade

sub keyPress {
	my ($self, $event) = @_;
# wxGlade: MyFrame::keyPress 

	warn "Event handler (keyPress) not implemented";

# end wxGlade

        # this is the key to getting which button is clicked
	my $key = $event->GetEventObject()->GetLabel();
	my $keyid = $event->GetEventObject()->GetId();
	Wx::MessageBox("You pressed: $key\nKey ID: $keyid", "wxPerl Sample", wxICON_INFORMATION );


# end of class MyFrame



package main;

	local *Wx::App::OnInit = sub{1};
	my $app = Wx::App->new();

	my $frame_1 = MyFrame->new();



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