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IT related tech tips since 2006VEEAM FAILS
If you have Veeam backup failing with the Updating BCD failed with Cannot update SafeBoot flag and SentinelOne is installed. Try the following from a veeam forum post 29/11/2023 2:35:29 PM :: Processing TGN-HO-DC02 Error: VSSControl: -2147467259 Backup job failed....
Turn Remote Desktop Connection on using the registry
You need to be in an Administrative command prompt then run: reg.exe ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Certbot Reload Nginx on cert renewal
https://github.com/toggenation/cert-checker Recently I created a Cert Expiry Checker so I can be notified when my and my clients SSL certs are 27 days from expiry. What is strange is I got notified that a client on Squarespace has an SSL cert within 27 days of expiry...
LastLogon using PowerShell
Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $true} -Properties Name,Manager,LastLogon,DistinguishedName | Select-Object Name,samAccountName,DistinguishedName,@{n='LastLogon';e={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon).ToString('g')}} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path...
Date time showing   instead of space
CSV opened in Excel is showing   instead of a space between the DateTime and the period (am / pm) That is because it is being opened in Excel using CP-1252 instead of UTF-8 and thus rendering the NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE incorrectly...
SYSVOL Stopped Syncing to the other Domain Controllers
I had 2 Domain controllers that stopped replicating their SYSVOL to each other. These are some of the commands used to understand what is happening and then to get it working again. Learnings Edit your Group Policies on the PDC / Operations Master (see the netdom...
Getting your public IP Address from the command line
Note: If you are filtering DNS for Proxy & Filter Avoidance or have configured you network to only allow connection to trusted DNS Servers the first two will fail so use the Web Request options linux / wsl DNS Query dig +short myip.opendns.com...
Create an account that never expires and is a member of the Local administrators group from the command line
In an Administrative cmd or powershell terminal run # /expires:never sets account to never expire NOT password net user toggenator2 * /add /expires:never # Password never expires wmic UserAccount where Name="toggenator" set PasswordExpires=False # or use powershell...
Window XP – TimeZones – 1 Hour Out
Today I had to go old school. Problem: Windows XP time 1 hour out. The user changes it to the correct time but it keeps resetting to the wrong time. Cause: Operating System (Windows XP) is so old that it no longer gets Time Zone updates so it had the wrong Daylight...