Technical tips collected over several decades in IT

glabels-3-batch on Fedora 25 segfault

The default glabels-3.4.x install on Fedora 25 through 29 segfaults when using the glabels-3-batch command. The following command fails: glabels-3-batch -o output.pdf -i crossdock-data.csv 150x200-crossdock-labels.glabels I found compiling from source with defaults...

Notes from PHP 5.x to PHP 7.1 Upgrade

PHP Install on Mac I use CakePHP 2 and 3 so they need intl and mcrypt brew install php71 --with-httpd24 brew install php71-imagick brew install php71-intl brew install php71-mcrypt Also I found that calling a function as follows fails # this PHP 5.x code calls a...

Booklet Printing in Linux

The Dream I want to create a booklet from a PDF file, like so:   I've been having trouble when I try to print Booklet format under Linux so I thought I would try to capture the settings I used in a blog post. Configure for Booklet in Adobe Reader & Print to...


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