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IT related tech tips since 2006


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Just putting this here as I have a SELECT in MySQL that was taking 1.946 sec to return 20 records from a table with 159884 records when using a ORDER BY DESC on a DATETIME field Creating an index and changing the FROM to FORCE INDEX () dropped it down to 0.00079 sec /...

Using a git repo as a composer repository

So here is the link so I don't forget it https://getcomposer.org/doc/05-repositories.md#vcs Add your repo's URL into your composer.json in the repositories key and change the version on the original repo name to your dev-* version where * is a branch of your github...

AWS to Digital Ocean DNS Record Migration

Just completed a migration away from AWS to Digital Ocean Need to install the Digital Ocean dotctl command line utility (this is using brew on a mac) brew install dotctl Transfer domain records away from AWS using the aws-cli #!/bin/bash domains=$(aws route53...

Format validationsErrors

A recursive function that takes a validation error array and return a string with all the different errors concatenated into a formatted string Further to my previous posting https://toggen.com.au/it-tips/cakephp-2-displaying-validation-errors This function will walk...

PHP Version Gotcha

Just copied some code from a PHP 7.3+ development environment to the server running PHP 7.2 On the server I am getting this On PHP 7.3 it runs fine Because the line number is not listed this is how I find the problem Find which controller is being called when you see...

Remove Sensitive Data from Git Hub

If you follow the faqs on github it will say you can use bfg to remove sensitive data https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/removing-sensitive-data-from-a-repository Here are my learnings bfg has to be run from the root of the git repository i.e....