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IT related tech tips since 2006Melbourne – 8th most liveable lockdown / power outage in the world
So a few days ago we started having wild weather - high winds and rain. That day (Wednesday) I lost my NBN connection. On Thursday the winds picked up and the rain bucketed down and it snapped limbs and blew down trees throughout the region where we live. It wasn’t...
How to trouble shoot your Unifi UDM Internet Connection
I have a HFC NBN service with TPG I use a Ubiquiti UniFi Dream Machine Wireless Router to connect to a TPG NBN business plan The first indication of a problem Got up this morning and my Android phone had the "no internet" exclamation mark on the WiFi Icon Checking UDM...
Synology – Power Restore Settings
If you want your Synology to restart after a power failure remember to set the recovery options: "Restart automatically when power supply issue is fixed"
CakePHP/Queue WorkerListener Example Class
This is an example of implementing a WorkerListener class for the new CakePHP/Queue plugin as mentioned here => https://book.cakephp.org/queue/1/en/index.html#worker-events Config array // ... 'Queue' => [ 'default' => [ // A DSN for your configured backend. default:...
Remove the Mail App – Intune PowerShell Script
Create this script and run it in user context I called my script RemoveMailApp.ps1 # Important: set to run this in user context Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps | Remove-AppxPackage
Encrypt / Decrypt the columns of your CakePHP 4 DB
https://stackoverflow.com/a/32261210/9230077 The above is a good solution, but it needed updating to work with CakePHP 4 I have updated the above as below to encrypt a database field with a base64 encoded encrypted string The base64 encoding is so it can save in a...
Run Shell Commands from the MySQL Client
Saw a post that says you need to put a ! to run a shell command in the MySQL but found in my mysql client that it was \! <shell-command-here> https://electrictoolbox.com/shell-commands-mysql-command-line-client/ To drop to a shell. use \! bash To return to the the...
VSCode – XDebug 3 – MacOS – Docker Desktop
My setup MacOS Big Sur version 11.2.3 (20D91)VSCode version: 1.56.0 with felixfbecker.php-debug (v1.15.1) extension installedDocker Desktop 3.3.1 (63152)Docker container running Ubuntu 20.04 Apache, PHP 7.4.3 and Xdebug v3.0.4 Because I was running php-fpm on my...